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Pura Vida, Lessons from Paradise, and our Holiday Gift for you!

There is sound advice and then there is wisdom that resonates so deep within you the first time you heard it. I often heard my mentor say “when you hear the truth” you’ll know it.

That was the case with the 3 most profound lessons I learned as I was in complete burnout years ago, and wanted to regain my health, happiness, and peace of mind.

These lessons changed my world like night and day, and while being in Costa Rica I felt compelled to share them with you in this week’s Insights to Impossible.

Our 12 Days to Christmas Giveaway experience with the Real Magic team starts on Monday, Dec. 13th. make sure you register for that so you receive the 12 wonderful gifts we (and the magic elves) have been working hard to create for you!

Honoring the pure life in you,


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5 Responses

  1. My take away, you are talking about life approach. How to see and approach life itself. You are and I am, the conscious observer, aware of the thought feelings perceptions sensations I have through physical experiences. If you accept this, you now know, your true self core. A field of pure existence! Love and Compassion. Jesper H Nielsen

  2. Loved what you Said .. insights to impossible
    Let The situations outside to accept that it is there but dont give it energy

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What mental illusion is blocking your success?


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