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Real Magic Miracles

Immersive yourself by reading transformational stories from people in the ‘Real Magic’ community from all corners of the world. We congratulate them for taking the necessary steps by grabbing life by it’s boots straps and equipping themselves with the right mental tools to achieve the results they desire.

A message from me to you -

Voltaire once said that the word “Miracle” is a word used to describe known effects of unknown causes….

Goals and achievements made in virtually ANY area of life are expressions of changing the internal leading cause of results the paradigms, and mental programs in our subjective mind.

The stories and results on this page could easily be perceived as “miracles” or “luck” for the people who live in ignorance and believe that the invisible side of their personality (their mindset) is the least important.

And then there are the small 1% group of people, the minority who knows and understands that the more they invest in themselves and their own development, the more Real Magic Miracles they can create and continue to create.

As you read through the stories, testimonials, and observations, I encourage you to relate yourself to them. You are JUST like any one of these beautiful souls, and we are proud to feature them here.

Hopefully, this page will inspire you to finally go for that dream that you have in your heart. The choices you make today will shape your tomorrow.

If you have been or are a participant in our programs and have any breakthrough to share, feel free to fill in the form below, and you might be the next featured “Real Magic Miracle” on this page.


The most important thing I have learned is to act from the goal every day...

The program has exceeded all expectations! It’s got me thinking a lot more about the choices I make daily, ensuring they align with what I’m aiming for.

The live Q&A sessions have been a highlight, letting me explore topics I’m curious about from the lessons.

I’ve picked up a bunch of values and tools that I now use in my everyday life. This journey has also made me more aware—I feel like I’m getting closer to my true self with each passing day. Even though I might not see immediate physical changes, mentally, I’m making progress all the time.

While everyone’s growth might not happen at the same speed, this program operates in tune with nature’s laws, guaranteeing that everyone experiences some form of growth!

Magnus D.
Masterclass Participant


3 years ago I left my then husband of 11 years...

– after 11 years of weekly assault of a physical and psychological nature I was suddenly alone with my 1 1/2 year old son – no home and none of my personal belongings. I fought back by e.g. psychologist who quickly established that I was developing complex ptsd. This “diagnosis” put my life on hold – because I identified with the diagnosis.

But one day I felt the need to look at my life differently – and there I started in the Real Magic Masterclass – and the three months changed my whole mindset and I suddenly had a different view of myself and my life. Now I am married (with a new man) and we have a little girl together – and our family life is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

But I want more – so I have started “The Secret To Real Magic” – because now my business as a lawyer has to grow – and I want to realize all my goals! I never think about my old diagnosis – and I haven’t had a single anxiety attack since the masterclass – I have complete peace and balance inside.

The presence and feeling that I am unique has been important to me in the collaboration with the coaching program, and I have appreciated working with goals and self-image.

The program has exceeded my expectations in a format I didn’t think was possible, so do it! Your life will never be the same again!!

Linda D.
The Secret to Real Magic Participant

Stronger Financial Results

In one month I sold over the triple of what I sold the month before!

Thanks to the program, I see that we need to put subconscious mind to work. So I started to working with Anders my plan and the sales immediately began to follow – immediately!

In one month I sold over the triple of what I sold the month before and I got my bonus and that gave a lot of financial rest. So I started July very healthy financially. I am seeing, a quantum leap in my sales and also, with all that follows, for example, my wife is very happy because I can give some capital for some restorations in my house and some improvement that I needed doing, and now I can do it this month.

You know, everything is going well. Before I started the program I kept doing the same things, kept doing the same things, kept doing the same things, and nothing changed.

And I said ‘I need to do something new.’ And I said ‘Well, I don’t have any money, and I don’t know how it is going to happen, but I’m going to invest in this program.’ I had some difficulties at first paying for it but I finally got it! And I’m so happy because my investment is already paid by 20-30 times.

I understand now that the knowledge is inside of me. In the way that I changed my mind the results are going to change outside.

I got in the spirit of my goal, then in the mind, finally in the outside world. I got it!

The goal for me is pretty clear right now. I can see it, I can touch it!

I need to increase my goals because I will be able to do more and better and I think that the sky is the limit right now!

I also feel very healthy physically. I am feeling very strong. So even at my sixty years old, it will be a very bright future for me.

Anders, if there is something I want you to tell your audience is this

‘Do not be afraid to invest in themselves. It’s the best investment. Even if they don’t have it, borrow, work for it, but invest in yourselves. It’s the best thing you can do.’

Octavio B.
Real Magic Program Participant

I have learned to use fear to my advantage...

The most important thing I have learned is that I can do much more than I thought before, and my life now compared to before is completely different. It is actually not at all comparable to what I was before I got to know Anders and his team. Today I stand stronger than I ever have. I have even gained a completely different perception of what fear is. I have learned to use fear to my advantage, to create even more abundance in my life that is congruent with my vision for the future.

The energy, support, honesty and passion have been the best part of working with Anders Hansen and the team. It is formidable!

If you are considering joining, all I can say is: Go for it! If fear comes up, it’s just a sign that you really have to do it.

Yeshua A.
The Secret to Real Magic Participant

I have never felt so close to my higher self...

The most important thing I have learned is how much mindset has been able to change my joy in life and make my life meaningful. I have never felt so close to my higher self. IM doing it now. Life has become exciting and I have learned to love the journey. I am always touched and feel the great power found in our online Q&A. It really is worth its weight in gold.

Today I feel a huge optimism and confidence in relation to my goal. I have taken a completely different approach to my goal, as I love being on the journey knowing that I will achieve what I set out to do. If I keep going.
I no longer feel so limited either. It’s like I can see right through my blocks and unconstructive paradigms. They don’t take up as much space as before. And then I have clearly acquired a greater do’er spirit

If you are considering participating, you must be clear that it is YOU who has to work. EVERYDAY. If you are, then you can reach infinite places

Katherine M.
Real Magic MasterClass Participant

I have learned to integrate knowledge and not just know it...

The program is absolutely fantastic! The most important thing I have learned is to integrate knowledge and not just know it.

It’s honestly like living in a movie. So much happens in a week that I can’t explain to others what happened in the previous one – which is JUST me!

If you are considering starting, you should have started yesterday.

Masterclass Participant

It's a 5 star trip you will never come home from.

This Real Magic journey has created changes in my mind and big changes in my family’s life. Especially my husband’s mind. I have made some big decisions with complete peace of mind. I’ve been part of several programs – The Secret to Real Magic, Your Magic Minute, Real Magic LIVE Event, 7 Weeks to Success as I’ve learned it’s vital to keep progressing and working on yourself.

I’m so happy I’ve been a part of this its a trip 5⭐️ you will never come home from.

There are several aspects I love about the coaching programs  – specifically the Q&A calls and check support calls from Resi

My mindset is so different from then to now –  Our house of 26 years has been put up for sale. We know the picture of where we want to live, but not yet physically. Our frequency does not match the surroundings where we live now. We have let go and feel a freedom. The man has finally made a decision that crosses the line for him and is upgrading to a management position. I have reduced hours at a permanent job, to open up opportunities to live my goal. Many things are currently happening at the same time, so work with calmness and balance – and patience.

The Secret to Real Magic Participant

Big things that have been hidden have come to the surface.

My experience in this program has been fantastic. Big things that have been hidden have come to the surface.

It’s like I’ve always known these things I’m learning here in the program. It is very easy for me to understand and bring things to light.

I have only reached module 7, but I think that module of working with one’s attitude has had the most and fastest effect in my life.

My life has picked up speed. In business we have tried so many different things in the last 8-10 years. Lots of bumps which I now see as important lessons. So the coaching is just a push for everything I didn’t know I knew 😀

The Secret to Real Magic Participant

My life is magical now compared to before!

My life is magical now compared to before!

The program has exceeded my expectations because I now know that it works if I am persistent.

The lesson that has given me the most is the lesson on self-image and I love the weekly Q&A’s with Anders!

My life is magical now compared to before! It will never be the same again, so if you really WANT to change your life, make a decision NOW and do it.

Jesper S.
Real Magic MasterClass Participant

Take your fear lovingly in hand and jump into it.

Secret to Real Magic has exceeded my expectations on ALL levels. Personally, mentally, business, family and my other relationships. The most impactful lesson for me – been the whole understanding of how the mind works and how I should be able to create the reality that I want to live in! I love the combination of video, audio and group calls I find them extremely beneficial.

If someone is thinking of working with Anders Hansen I would tell them to – Just do it!

Take your fear lovingly in hand and jump into it.  It’s getting wilder than you can even imagine right now.

My life from then to now – It can not be compared at all!! I have gone from mediocrity to an explosion of energy and everything in my life is running as I wish – and I continue to manifest with ease.

The Secret to Real Magic Participant

The Secret to Real Magic program is really growing on me.

The Secret to Real Magic program is really growing on me.

It’s awesome! I’ve reached the point where I’m getting all consumed by the content and never ever want to stop!! Realizing how much potential I have and that I’m now only scratching the surface.

Thomas M.
The Secret to Real Magic Participant

Working with your consciousness cannot compete with anything else.

I’ve actually learned to love myself in my very short time in the program so far, and it rubs off on my surroundings.

The most important thing I have learned is to listen to your intuition and be true to your wishes and dreams.

If you are considering joining; Do it! You will always be met with understanding, but also be allowed to think for yourself.

Mette Ø.
Real Magic MasterClass Participant

I am so grateful in my heart that I have found my way into this universe.

I attended a Real Magic LIVE Event, and participated in 7 Weeks to Success program and I’m so happy I made the decision to be part of those experiences!

I am so grateful in my heart that I have found my way into this universe. I feel ‘not alone’ anymore. I feel that I am supported by some invisible forces and in the short time I have been working I have really found some things in myself that I had either forgotten or didn’t know I had. My life is now is more calm and I have more faith in myself.

Every single lesson has impacted me in such a deep way that I cannot pick out which lesson is my absolute favorite. My feelings on anyone who is on the fence about joining one of Anders’ programs is that

You simply should not miss this opportunity – the world is at your feet.

Marlene B.
7 Weeks to Success Participant

Masterclass changed my life. I feel 1000% alive!

Anders’ Masterclass has changed my life completely. I went from living with fear/anxiety on a daily basis to now not feeling anxiety and fear. Tomorrow I will finish tapering off my anti-depressants.

My mindset and life has changed completely.

I would encourage anyone that wants to work on themself to
participate in the MasterClass. Do it for the sake of being good to yourself. This course has to taught me that everything is energy and now after studying this course –

I feel 1000% alive!

Masterclass Participant

I've learned the importance in invest in you, value versus price...

Aspects that I appreciate from this community are- Greater awareness, community, from reaction to observation as well as wild investment in myself and better healthier relationships.

I’ve learned the importance in invest in you, value versus price, I am neither my story, situation, nor title. I  learned a lot about  – commitment. Belief in myself and own abilities despite circumstance.

What I would say to someone considering joining a Real Magic coaching program?

Do it..it’s a super good investment in you.

It’s worth it, I’ve gained more faith, more magic and healthier relationships.

Masterclass Participant

I persevere allowed myself to be caring towards myself, which I have never been before...

I had anxiety about being close to people I didn’t know, it was hard to go shopping, I couldn’t really talk to strangers on the phone and I was constantly afraid of not being good enough.

Before the programs, I couldn’t feel myself at all, and I only wanted to stop when my body gave up due to the late effects of childhood sexual abuse. Now I can slowly start to feel my body again.

There are things that have changed. I can now ride the bus and shop without my heart being in my throat.

I help others with their late effects after traumatic experiences, and it feels great to be able to help others. I try to be the light that I myself needed in the beginning. Several people have told me that this is actually how they see me.

The most important thing I have learned about myself is to start loving and trusting myself much more. I move every day and have slowly started to get butterflies in my stomach. Even when something affects me violently, I persevere and have allowed myself to react and be caring towards myself, which I have never been before.

I can now find my own light, and I have become aware of where to put in a little extra. That I learn to see myself in a different light.

Jennie L.
7 Weeks to Success Participant

I was quite skeptical at first, but already after the first few weeks I could feel drastic changes in my life.

It is absolutely amazing how you can become so calm and focused through this material.

Things that I would have reacted violently to before, no longer affect me and I just shrug my shoulders and move on.

My favorite aspect of working with Anders and the program is that a world of opportunities has opened up for me. I see many more opportunities in my work and I am convinced that I want to be my own boss. Everything has changed! Much of my circle of friends has changed, and some absolutely fantastic people have entered my life from both Anders’ network, but also people who have entered from elsewhere.

I’ve moved to the other side of the world not knowing what was going to happen, but opportunities come to me at lightning speed because my thought patterns change just as quickly.

I have never been so calm about my life, but at the same time, I have never made as many big decisions as I have now. I can feel that it is an irritation factor for other people around me, but luckily I don’t let their negativity affect me. People simply don’t understand that I don’t let them influence me.

Anders is the best coach you could wish for. I have never had a coach who took me so seriously and made me feel heard and supported throughout. The material is the best I have ever tried and I will never see any other roads than his. It’s very hard to understand if you haven’t tried it yourself, so I can only say one thing: DO IT!

Alberte L.
Masterclass Participant

A massive shift

I never imagined - I could create such a quantum leap in such a short time with this material...

I never imagined that I could create such a quantum leap in such a short time with this material

I was at my first RML event back in 2019 at the age of 19. Back then I had no version of who I was, what I wanted and why I did what I did. Had no goal and just followed the pack.

I felt lost, lonely and saw myself as nothing. One you just looked over. So hid a lot from others and just did what I was told was the right thing to do.

I always put myself as the last priority, and had a conviction that I had to be something/someone that I wasn’t.

After I had participated in the event in 2019, I got a lot of blood on my teeth for more material, and chose to enter the program and start a business just 2 days later.

The business that I started was a hobby mobile disco, and I started it just because I liked listening to music. I had absolutely no idea how to handle mixers, lights, etc. as well as how I was going to make money from it and get customers. I knew no one in the industry and have no training in it. But I made a quick decision and started it.

In 2019, 2020 and 2021, I had a total turnover of just under DKK 160,000. And started to get more and more passionate about the technique behind it all.

At the beginning of 2021, I wrote a report to Anders, in which I gave an offer for all technology, execution, sound, lighting, etc. to RML (Which was very much out of my comfort zone as I didn’t know how yet)

I only knew how to do about 10% of what was in the report (the technical stuff), and I didn’t own any of the equipment that I had put on the report that Anders thought I had. But I knew I could get it if I really wanted to!

Anders said ”yes” to my offer, and I got a little shock and a fear in my stomach. I set about making a plan, but still didn’t know how to go about it.

After nearly 300 hours of research, I borrowed the money I needed, ordered all the equipment, and started testing EVERYTHING!

I arrive at the event in Kolding 2022, and learn that it had been the best execution they had had. Walked out with a profit of DKK 5000 without my hours counted, but had the most amazing feeling ever after proving to myself that I can do what I set my mind to, even though I didn’t know how I did it or how should get there at the start.

Here I get more blood on my teeth, as I could see that I was born to be a technical producer, as well as to knit large events together.

Anders then chooses to use me again in 2022, when an even bigger event would take place in Copenhagen for 500 people, and where we would need more than double the equipment and staff. This was also referred to as the best event to date at the time. Which was a huge win for me!

Again in 2023 we again ran an event in Kolding, where it was once again called the best event to date, which I am very proud of.

To cut a long story short…

Going from 2019 to 2021 where I played at weddings and 18th birthday parties with a turnover of DKK 160,000, and no experience…

Until 2022 with large live events with a turnover of almost DKK 1,000,000

And to the start of 2023 with a turnover of 500,000 in the month of January, as well as standing and performing on one of the most respectful stages in Denmark, the Opera, and the honor of working with a very respectful American producer (Demo Casanova) as well as a lot experience of only 2 years.

I am so grateful to the RM team and the quantum leap they have helped me achieve in very few years, and I never imagined that I could create such a quantum leap in such a short time with this material. It has been a pleasure to be involved, and every time I had a question, I got a lot out of asking it. Anders and the team have a knack for answering everything in such a simple and logical way that it is understandable.

The most important and influential thing I take away from the program is the lesson of self-love.

To those of you who are considering joining: You cannot afford not to. Life is not a dress rehearsal! And you will see quantum leaps very quickly in your life. Quantum leaps will give you goosebumps and you will never look back from them.

Lasse C.
The Secret to Real Magic Participant


I got a message that I have things to accomplish here on earth and I fought back....

The results I have achieved, the inner peace, joy and clarity. The decision to choose what I am passionate about and not allow external circumstances to prevent it. The effect of being with others on the journey. You have to do it yourself and can’t do it alone.

The most valuable lesson for me has been definitely, letting go of everything that doesn’t benefit me. It opens so many doors and gives a completely different perspective on my life. My life is now more full of possibilities than limitations. It was already here, now I am aware of it. It’s like waking up in a whole new world

Working with Anders has been an inspiration and most importantly you see me and challenge me. In this way, you help and support me to see my “blind” spots and be 100% honest with myself. My inner truth has never stood stronger.

Learning from the Real Magic is the best gift you can give yourself. The price is the first transformative decision to be overcome. When I made the decision, everything fell into place for me. I have a completely different relationship with money. Today I don’t ask what it costs. My focus is on value.

I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and have undergone major organ surgery. In connection with the operation, problems arose and I was close to leaving this earth. When I was close to giving myself to the light, I got a message that I have things to accomplish here on earth and I fought back. I intend to complete that life mission. I knew instinctively that I had to take other paths and when Anders Hansen appeared, I had no doubt that it was my path.

The biggest win is that I don’t let external circumstances get in the way of my goal. It requires trust, courage and letting go of what does not benefit. It can hurt. The next step is to focus on my business. Financial independence is my goal so I can give more to those in need. It is my life and I can best support others if I support and love myself. Today I write a book, develop courses for people with the diagnosis, critical illness. My mission is to help these people live their dreams and see possibilities rather than limitations. This is here and now picture. The journey continues with new goals.

Hannah B.
The Secret to Real Magic Participant

The most important thing I have learned – is to act from the goal in everyday life….

The most important thing I have learned about myself is to be persistent in my daily training and act from the goal in everyday life.

The best thing about working with the Real Magic Team is the amazing people I meet in the program as well as magical support from Anders and his team. My life is magical on an even “higher” level than before.

Jakob B.
Masterclass Participant

I can’t go back and be the negative Alexander again. I went from being hospitalized with an overdose 2 years ago and not being present spiritually.

– I walked around with it for 4 years. To this day I have regained my zest for life after studying my mind and its wonderful tools. My life is completely different and I can’t go back and be the negative Alexander again.

The most important lesson for me is that I have a choice about how I look at things with my perception and that I am not alone in a growth impulse.

The programs have met my expectations on all points and more. Completely beyond expectations and I would say to those who are considering it: Just do it!!! You never know where it might take you! You will discover things about yourself that you did not even think!

Alexander A.
Real Magic Program Participant

Anders’ course has been EXTRAORDINARY!

He has helped open doors to the subconscious mind, and has provided insights into the amazing potential of the human spirit! I would highly recommend working with Anders! Don’t miss the opportunity take action and motivation will certainly follow!

– Jacque L.
Real Magic Program Participant

I have gone from a stagnant place in life to a place full of ideas and possibilities…

I have participated in a 10-day challenge and Your Magic Minute for 25 days. But I can feel it is so rewarding and helps me. I have gone from a stagnant place in life to a place full of ideas and possibilities. They are still not physical, but I know they will be. I really miss being able to go into this more!!! It’s amazing what it can do. It can and will make a difference for everyone who chooses it. You want to share it with the whole world.
What has been especially influential and mindblowing has been the 5 morning routines and reading the creative force.

If you are considering it, do it NOW! You can only win from it.

Tine S.
Real Magic Program Participant

The tools in the program create momentum and miracles...

I love that working with Anders I was able to commit to the program and integrate it into my life. Lessons about the mind and the fear have been the most influential in me life. The tools in the program create momentum and miracles.

To others thinking of joining a Real Magic program – Do it. It will create your dreams in your life.

Now my life is where, with my mindset and my strong belief in myself, I know that I can create exactly what I want. My income is over DKK 100,000 every month. Where I was: I was on sick leave with stress and depression – had been on sick leave for 2 1/2 years and the prospect of another 2 years on a resource course with DKK 5,500 paid out every month. In just 4 months in the Masterclass, I declared myself healthy. Manifested my dream job, where every day since I started I went to work in high positive energy – an intention I set every morning. I worked with challenged children and young people at school, who have a really hard time. Here I use my skills from the program and see how the students grow in courage, self-confidence and self-esteem. They dare to fail and train and practice and have a great motivation to learn things and integrate them. They dare to dream and be purposeful. Last year I chose to start the coaching and business education in Real Magic. It has been a learning journey, where I have gradually integrated the sub-elements and am now starting to have courses where I myself am a coach and mentor in the programs. My goals have been scaled up so I’m now gearing up for new heights.

Trine A.
Masterclass Participant

I see the mind as something I must not compromise with.

My life, compared to where I was before, has opened up and I see the mind as something I must not compromise on.

The program has exceeded my expectations in that I thought I had survived the little bumps in my path…. But alas, no. The way it is written and challenged is absolutely perfect for me. It once again opens up my paradigms and I see them in a new way. That’s also my favorite aspect of the show: the way it’s written and delivered.

For those who are considering joining, I would say that they must be ready to adapt from the first second. Welcome on board.

Marcel R.
Masterclass Participant

Real Magic



3 Videos

I found out that my paradigm is holding me back...

When the chance appeared to participate in 7 Weeks to Success I thought I should do it and I’m happy I did. I found out that my paradigm is holding me back and creates fear. Also I have found out that it’s a continuous program, not just start and end after you achieved some succes. Therefor it certainly exceeded my expectations. I appreciate that we have 1 on 1 and live sessions, not just video’s and text. but real live sessions.

I learned how to ignore your paradigm and focus on your main goal. And to be persistent in what you do.

I see small things happening. 7 weeks is to short to see the big steps, but I believe these will come soon. I realized that I have to work on MSI. I made some plans and working on it. Thanks to the daily morning walk I feel great to start the day and people around me notice that.

This program will create your dreams in your life.

Thierry D.
Real Magic Program Participant

I am constantly evolving and filled with love, gratitude and wealth flowing to and through me...

Words, feelings and physical results, which were previously closed to me, are now a natural part, now that I live from my goal.

The most important thing I have learned about myself is my self-image and giving as I grow, and that I am the main character in my own development.

The programs exceed my expectations as it is a steady stream of repetitions that I pick up differently at different stages of my development journey. The team and the availability of the material have been the best thing about working with Anders Hansen and Real Magic.

My advice to anyone considering joining is: if you are dominated by the left brain and right side of the body like I was, start with Self Image Super Booster, use the FB pages, be open & active and reach out for help.

Susanne S.
Real Magic MasterClass Participant


From suicidal to a bright future!

2019 was a disastrous and chaotic year for myself and my family. Let me create a bit of a timeline here to unfold that for you. In January, my father was diagnosed with incurable cancer. I had already lost both my mother and my only brother to that disease, so when I heard the word “incurable” it was enough to kickstart all of my old paradigms…. and they were no good!

In March, my husband had one large and two small blood clots in the heart, and the next day he also had a blood clot in the brain.

In April, our beloved little cat and family member, Balou, was run over and died.

In May, my husband was put in the Danish health system’s “cancer package” (intense focus on patients with symptoms of cancer) and was hospitalized for three weeks where he also had surgery.

On the night of June 2, our 13-year-old son was assaulted because he refused to buy snuff and alcohol! Later that night the door to our bedroom was torn open and someone shouted: “Vibeke, you have to get up!!! Your daughter is threatening to take her own life!”. I staggered dazed out of bed and out into the hallway, where I vaguely registered my son standing in the bathroom throwing up. Downstairs in the living room, our daughter was lying on the couch and I could see that she was a complete mess. Among other things she said: “Mom, I do not want to be here anymore. No one benefits from me being alive”. I hugged her and wanted to comfort her but in that same moment, I had to throw up because my body could not take any more! I ended up having to ask others to take care of her and drive her to get help. That night left deep scars in my family.

On June 18, my husband had to go in an ambulance once again, this time with an acute kidney stones attack.

On November 30, I myself was checked in at the hospital because the doctors wanted to offer me one last possible treatment for my many years, 33 to be exact, of high blood pressure but my intuition screamed NO THANK YOU and I let the doctors know my final decision to not take anymore medicine with excessive side effects and no guaranteed effect.

On December 18 I had a check-up with my own doctor. My blood pressure in those days was around 220/125. The doctor told me: “Vibeke, you HAVE to quit your job and apply for early retirement pension. I drove straight to my workplace and quit my job.

That was an account of my family’s 2019. I remember crying on New Year’s Eve feeling like the biggest failure in the world.

Now, let me take you back to March 5 2020, where I had the pills in my hand, ready to say goodbye to this world but I suddenly stopped what I was doing and I made the DECISION that no one should “find me like this” and live with that image of me for the rest of their lives. I DECIDED that I wanted to LEARN instead of SUFFER. I wanted to explore how the stick person could help me deal with the many traumatic family episodes I experienced in just one year. And little did I know, that little figure was going to save my life…

Already after three months, the doctors could see that my blood pressure had dropped significantly. They were amazed, and wanted to know who this person, Anders Hansen, whom I kept mentioning to them, was?

In May 2020, an idea came to me, that if the stick person could do so much for me, then it had to also be able to help others in the same way; stay focused on their goals, inner power, thought control etc. The idea for the jewelry came to me, but so did ALL of my old paradigms. Could I really do this? What would others think of me? Where would the money come from etc. However, I decided to go for it and trust in myself – and the stick person!

Fast forward to August 2020, when my husband and I co-founded my company ByVibs (www.ByVibs.dk). In November 2020, my blood pressure was so much better that it was enough I saw my own doctor for check-ups which was such a relief after all those years with frequent check-ups at the hospital!

In the same month, I held a 3-day workshop “Design Your Dreamlife” with a friend. Today, I have given lectures. Spoken in front of 300 people. Before I was introduced to Anders and his material just the thought of speaking in public would make me feel like throwing up. I have also designed more than 11 different patented pieces of jewelry as well as larger handmade forged figures. An IM-possible goal for me just one year ago.

I had to hit rock bottom before I realized the gift I was born with, the gift we are all born with. Had I not attended Anders Hansen’s Real Magic LIVE event in May 2019, I am convinced that I would not be alive today to tell you my story and the challenges I have had to overcome. But the journey sure has been worth it all.

Because now I KNOW that we can all transform our life… if we really WANT to. I lam excited about my future now. I dream BIG and I am forever grateful that Bob Proctor’s material found its way into my life via Anders Hansen.

There is a life before and after Real Magic LIVE.

Today, I am the protagonist of my own life and not just an extra.

In deep gratitude,
The Secret to Real Magic Participant


How my son magically made an Autism diagnosis disappear...

To understand where we are today, I have to start our story in 2018 when I sought help from a retired educational child psychologist. My son Osian had developed repetitive speech, OCD, anxiety, depression, a stutter, and sensory issues including smell, taste, touch, and noise.

The psychologist’s opinion was that Osian had high-functioning autism. His traits would become more apparent as he got older. We needed to get him formally diagnosed to get support with CBT, his behavior assessed possible treatment with medication, and potential restrictions his entire life. He was written off at the age of 5 with mental health issues.

My once so enigmatic, engaging, happy boy was now struggling; I thought we’d meet the expert so that Osian would get tools to help him; however, we were now told this was his life, and we had to accept it. Both his dad and I couldn’t accept it and didn’t take it further.

The psychologist was right, Osian’s traits became more apparent over time, and he found life a struggle. He feared everything, gatherings, loud noises, and school to name a few. He had no interest in family or friends and averted eye contact in forced conversations, except with his dad and me, where his eye contact was intense. If we averted our eyes while he spoke, he’d have to start the conversation again and usually repeat it four times. He stayed in his room when anyone visited and would get annoyed with me once they left.

Mornings had to go like clockwork; OCD rituals had to be done without interruption or rushing; otherwise, Osian would cry and possibly have a panic attack. Our life became very restricted, and Osian was too scared to live his life. He would chew holes anxiously through his clothes and often spoke with a stutter.

Fast forward to May 2021, after a year of struggling with my mental health and his dad and I far from amicable, Osian became angry towards me, saying he hated me, didn’t love me, and wanted to live with his dad. That night I didn’t know how I could live with the prospect of not having my son in my everyday life and decided to find a mentor to help us.
Within days I came across Anders and Real Magic and joined. In 2 weeks, the Magic began to happen, and Osian started to open up; he said, “these people are making you happy. Can you make me happy, please, mum? I couldn’t ask you before because you were sad.”

Wiping his tears, I asked Osian where his thoughts were while in school; he said he didn’t want to live anymore; my thought went straight to his coming teenage years with hormones and the knowledge that I feared I’d lose my son. While at his dad’s, the next day, I rang Osian to tell him school was over for however long it took. He cried himself to sleep in his dad’s arms.

The following months have been what can only be described as real Magic; Osian no longer has repetitive speech, OCD, a stutter, or sensory issues. He has been in social situations and thrived, including long conversations with strangers over lunch at a wedding and throughout the day.
Osian has learned to ride a bicycle and loud petrol quad bikes and now has his own. Family and friends have commented they can’t see autism in him, and a friend asked if children can outgrow autism. Great question, something I never thought of. He now has a cheeky sense of humor, can hold his own in conversation, likes to try new things, loves being in nature, and often says he loves his life. Osian now has relationships with family and friends.

Within a short time of studying Anders’ material, my sons future went from bleak with potential restrictions to a future of infinite possibilities and a life path he gets to choose with freedom with a childhood of using the Real Magic material.

To write this came with resistance, but it taught me a lot; this story is Osian’s, and his journey in life is his own. I have deep gratitude for Anders and Real Magic and experiencing how powerful and life-changing the material is and how much it has transformed our lives. I sought counsel in my family who said we couldn’t keep this to ourselves. What we learned can help someone else take the leap of faith with Anders and the Real Magic programs and transform their lives totally and for their children to see life as magical as Osian now does.

Steph G
Real Magic Program Participant

My expectations for the program are far more than met. I could not imagine the change that would happen in my mindset, my self-image and my approach to life. My awareness of being grateful has become so much greater, and through both the morning and evening meditation, my subconscious has become a more essential part of my life. The most important thing I have learned about myself is how much my self-image means to my development Today is the most perfect day to start with you - the present does not get better, and you are always ready with the best advice and reflections when needed.

Charlotte G.
Real Magic MasterClass Participant
I was on holiday when I saw an advertisement for Anders Hansen, thought it sounded exciting and asked myself "why not?". I therefore did not have so many expectations, but I had never seen how much my life would change! My current life is very different from before. I still remember the feeling I had then, and I didn't really listen to it much. Now I hardly recognize who I was last Christmas, which is 3 months ago. Just try to think where I can be in 1.5 years!! My favorite aspect of the event has been the combination of the small groups and the help available if you are stuck with questions. To those who are considering joining, I would say that they should listen to their inner voice! And do it! Your life will change on every level!!

Ferry B.
Real Magic Program Participant

Before the program I was in the process of healing trauma from a long marriage that ended with me planning to end my life.

At the same time I got divorced. I was put on antipsychotic medication, gained 30 kg and slept all day. No ability to work. Now I have lost the 30 kg. Is completely medication-free despite the psychiatrists’ warning. Free from sugar addiction. Free from anxiety. Free from depression. Very happy. In really good physical shape. Eats healthily and doesn’t have sugar cravings.

Free of shame that has held me back for a long, long time.

This is really good coaching if you want a program that supports you in making your own dreams come true. Inside and outside.

The best thing about the collaboration has been the insight that ordinary people create a good life for themselves and others. It allows for mirroring.
I was sure that my thick, thick wall of defense against the world would stab me anytime, but it is now turning into confidence. I’ve learned that I’m ok the way I am and I’m allowed to be here as myself.

Lone B.
Real Magic MasterClass Participant

The most valuable lesson has been...

It’s not who you are that’s holding you back. What’s holding you back are – the illusion of you think you are not ….

Working with this program has helped with increasing my focus, trusting more, aligning myself more with who I am, and learning that it’s a process to work through.

Prabha P.
Real Magic Program Participant

Your Magic Minute - You have to try it,

but it also requires your full will to achieve results

This program works when you want help in your thoughts and express gratitude, then things just happen. I love that It has been about the consciousness of the mind to act.

The other day when I had a task I really wanted help with, it suddenly happened that some colleagues from the company I work for came by and helped me, I felt lucky and grateful for this. There are also many people who smile at you when you are grateful, and it’s just so good, even though my work is hard. I just feel like learning something more from here and live life to the fullest, I think it works for sure.

Carsten M.
Real Magic Program Participant

It feels like I'm on my way to a new place in my life ...

– compared to where I was before the course. A very valuable lesson I have learned has been to make decisions, and you can’t do everything yourself.

Real Magic Program Participant

I've been able to notice small results fairly quickly

While I’ve been part of the program I’ve been able to notice small results fairly quickly especially after learning about Paradigms in lesson 2.

The on-Line meetings with both my coach and Q&A where you get a lot of good input and a lot of clarity during these calls

My life is much better since my journey with The Real Magic Team began.

The Secret to Real Magic Participant

I had an amazing experience with Anders,

He’s truly authentic and present with the material he puts forth. I feel his passion, and I love the way he presents them. If you work with Anders, you’ll be well on your way to have a good solid look at some of your limiting beliefs and get some concrete tools to overcome them.

Nicolai S.
The Secret to Real Magic Participant

What I need comes to me in a steady stream...

What I need comes to me in a steady stream.

I have learned to live from my self-image and be open to my self-image and my results getting better the more I dare to go into my mind and let go.

Now I have direction, more self-esteem and what I need comes to me in a steady stream. The source of supply is opened.

That seems to be what Anders learns from himself. The fantastic community he has created, and I am a part of, gives peace of mind. The support I experience from both Anders and his fantastic team is amazing!

You won’t be able to afford not to participate!

Siff H.
The Secret to Real Magic Participant

Miracles and changes have occurred

After my participation in the programs, which are spot on and fit well with the challenges and conditions I am confronted with on a daily basis, I have gained more faith in myself and my unique possibilities. Miracles and changes have occurred and I see the future much brighter now than I did before.

The best has been being encouraged to step out of the comfort zone by active participation, and to be met with appreciative support and positive push forward from the community.

No matter where you are, just jump into this life-changing concept. There is room for everyone here, and it is never too late for growth in life.

Ingerisis E.
Real Magic Program Participant

My life now compared to before is full of huge quantum leaps..

My favorite aspect of the programs has been finding my potential within me, and getting that knowledge and tools to become a better me.

My life now compared to before is full of huge quantum leaps on all levels, and I have learned to choose unhealthy relationships from.

To those who are considering participating, I would say that you should get started. It is the best investment you can make.

Henny T.
Real Magic MasterClass Participant

The program - has definitely left me wanting more!

It has definitely left me wanting more!

My favorite aspect of working with Anders is the way I have been able to spot my paradigms and the impact my thinking has had on my results.

I did not by the wildest imagination imagine that I could be where I am now. I hoped for miracles, but had not thought it possible that I would become so brave about life and at the same time experience/see the opportunities for growth that I do. It’s actually quite crazy. It has definitely left me wanting more!

Johnny P.
The Secret to Real Magic Participant

Thank you for the opportunity; Thanks for all you create!

My favorite aspects of the programs are – the time is spent on the individual’s challenges and in relation to the questions that arise during the program.

To anyone thinking about joining you must be clear about what you want to achieve and what you think the program can give you – Pay attention and arrange a meeting with a coach.

Thank you for the opportunity; Thanks for all you create!

Janne B.
The Secret to Real Magic Participant

- doing the "impossible" is contagious and makes me grow.

I have found out how much I unconsciously think and how much all that unconscious thinking affects my energy. Anders and Real Magic’s good energy and indomitable belief in doing the “impossible” is contagious and makes me grow. I can feel that I’m starting to have more energy, and small things get a push on the don’t button more often.

Jane Wraae.
Real magic Program Participant

The programs have met my expectations 100%, and the most important thing I have learned is to be present in the moment and enjoy it.

That I can control my thoughts myself and I can decide for myself what I give energy to. Awareness comes from within and I have become aware of how much I enjoy all the good things in life

The best thing about the collaboration is that I am constantly told to work with myself and all the good tools I get to do it, and today my life is full of joy, energy and the desire to experience and live life in a new and exciting way.

If you are considering joining: Do it, it will change your life.

Lisbeth J.
Real Magic Program Participant

The most valuable lesson has been...

It’s not who you are that’s holding you back. What’s holding you back are – the illusion of you think you are not ….

Working with this program has helped with increasing my focus, trusting more, aligning myself more with who I am, and learning that it’s a process to work through.

Prabha P.
Real Magic Program Participant

Your Magic Minute - You have to try it,

but it also requires your full will to achieve results

This program works when you want help in your thoughts and express gratitude, then things just happen. I love that It has been about the consciousness of the mind to act.

The other day when I had a task I really wanted help with, it suddenly happened that some colleagues from the company I work for came by and helped me, I felt lucky and grateful for this. There are also many people who smile at you when you are grateful, and it’s just so good, even though my work is hard. I just feel like learning something more from here and live life to the fullest, I think it works for sure.

Carsten M.
Real Magic Program Participant

Det vigtigste jeg har lært er at integrere viden og ikke bare vide det.

Programmet er helt og aldeles fantastisk! Det vigtigste jeg har lært er at integrere viden og ikke bare vide det.

Det er ærligt som at leve i en film. Der sker så meget i løbet af en uge, at jeg ikke kan forklare andre, hvad der skete i den forrige – hvilket er LIGE mig!

Hvis du overvejer at starte, burde du have startet i går.

Matthias Johannesson
Real Magic Masterclass Deltager

Jeg har lært om mig selv er, at begynde at elske og stole meget mere på mig selv.

Jeg havde angst for at være tæt på mennesker, som jeg ikke kendte, det var svært at handle ind, jeg kunne ikke rigtig snakke med fremmede i telefonen og jeg var hele tiden bange for ikke at være god nok.

Før programmerne kunne jeg slet ikke mærke mig selv, og jeg ville først sige stop, når min krop sagde fra pga. senfølger efter sexuelle overgreb i barndommen. Nu kan jeg så småt begynde at mærke min krop igen.

Der er ting, som har ændret sig. Jeg kan nu køre i bus og handle ind uden at mit hjerte sidder helt oppe i halsen.

Jeg hjælper andre med deres senfølger efter traumatiske oplevelser, og det føles fantastisk, at kunne hjælpe andre. Jeg forsøger at være det lys, som jeg selv havde brug for i starten. Flere har fortalt mig, at det faktisk er sådan de ser mig.

Det vigtigste jeg har lært om mig selv er, at begynde at elske og stole meget mere på mig selv. Jeg rykker mig hver dag og er så småt begyndt at få sommerfugle i maven. Selv når noget påvirker mig voldsomt, så bliver jeg ved og har givet mig selv lov til at reagere samt være omsorgsfuld over for mig selv, hvilket jeg aldrig har været før.

Jeg kan nu finde mit eget lys, og jeg er blevet opmærksom på, hvor jeg skal sætte lidt ekstra ind. At jeg lærer at se mig selv i et andet lys.

Jennie Langenbach
Your Magic Minute, 7 Weeks To Success Deltager

I am discovering sides of myself that I have not noticed before. I have gained an understanding that I can make a change in my self-image so that my view of myself moves to new heights...

Pretty crazy and cool that I’m finally opening my eyes to this. I am not what others think of me! I am me! The more I listen to the wise words, the more I calm down and want to continue working with my mind. In cooperation with the programs, I have become much more aware of who I am and how I would like the world around me to see me! I am now working on dealing with boundaries that have been crossed very often. I can feel that a lot is happening on this level and it gives a nice feeling in my stomach 🙂 To those who are considering joining: DO IT! You get so much energy and courage from it all! I myself have Multiple Sclerosis and that is my primary goal, to get things under control, but once you enter this world there is just so much else to get right. It really is a gift that is exciting to open Lise O. Real Magic Program Participant

I have learned to integrate knowledge and not just know it...

The program is absolutely fantastic! The most important thing I have learned is to integrate knowledge and not just know it.

It’s honestly like living in a movie. So much happens in a week that I can’t explain to others what happened in the previous one – which is JUST me!

If you are considering starting, you should have started yesterday.

Masterclass Participant

I have learned to integrate knowledge and not just know it...

The program is absolutely fantastic! The most important thing I have learned is to integrate knowledge and not just know it.

It’s honestly like living in a movie. So much happens in a week that I can’t explain to others what happened in the previous one – which is JUST me!

If you are considering starting, you should have started yesterday.

Masterclass Participant

I am discovering sides of myself that I have not noticed before. I have gained an understanding that I can make a change in my self-image so that my view of myself moves to new heights...

Pretty crazy and cool that I’m finally opening my eyes to this. I am not what others think of me! I am me! The more I listen to the wise words, the more I calm down and want to continue working with my mind. In cooperation with the programs, I have become much more aware of who I am and how I would like the world around me to see me! I am now working on dealing with boundaries that have been crossed very often. I can feel that a lot is happening on this level and it gives a nice feeling in my stomach 🙂 To those who are considering joining: DO IT! You get so much energy and courage from it all! I myself have Multiple Sclerosis and that is my primary goal, to get things under control, but once you enter this world there is just so much else to get right. It really is a gift that is exciting to open Lise O. Real Magic Program Participant

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