Take this free quiz to find out which beliefs are holding you back from living the life of your dreams

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Are you ready to begin living your dreams?

Nothing lights me up like helping others see past their limiting beliefs and help them live and express their true potential.

Everything offered here was thoughtfully created to help you fast-track your way to a life of freedom, abundance, and prosperity.

How can I support you?

Are you looking for...

A quantum leap in your business results and leadership mindset?
Complete harmony and mastery of your health, wealth, and relationships?
To create the foundation for all future endeavors and success?
Be able to teach the Real Magic material in your own company?
A transformative starter package equipped with personal transformation essentials?

Hear from participants...

The Secret to Real Magic program is really growing on me. It’s awesome! I’ve reached the point where I’m getting all consumed by the content and never ever want to stop!! Realizing how much potential I have and that I’m now only scratching the surface.

Thomas M


Anders combines and focuses ideas of spirituality, wealth, and a divine idea of how to practice living authentically and harmoniously with ourselves and others while also implementing tools to help better navigate this existence.


Mike M.


I think every child should be etched these principles. Then we would live in a peaceful, loving world where every child knows they are loved and able to become EXACTLY what they want. The sky is the limit! Thank you for this life-changing event, Anders.

Vibeke L.


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Upgrade Your Mind and Business

Fast-paced mentorship for purpose-led CEOs, leaders, and business owners who want to create a winning mindset, quantum leap results, and make a global impact, NOW.

Live your full potential

Superhuman level optimization for your
mind, health, wealth, and relationships.

Take a 6-month journey of introspection, growth, balance, integration, and upgrade every area of your life, for good.

Create The Life You Would Love To Live!

This Masterclass is for those who want more in life. The program will push you to become aware of your highest potential and mental tools. You will build a solid foundation for your development and you will experience better control over three important aspects of your personality: your thoughts; your feelings; and your actions.

Dreaming Of Personal And Financial Freedom?

Personal development is an industry in steady development and growth. With everything going on in the world, it has become evident that it is more important than ever to prioritize mental health and genuine happiness.

Are you passionate about helping others on their path to a better life? All while creating the life you really want for yourself? If YES, then the Real Magic Business Builder Program is your solution!

Unlock your full potential

& achieve lasting transformation with our Real Magic ultimate Transformation Bundle! Dive into intensive self-image enhancement, build a solid foundation for success, and elevate your life daily with 365 days of inspiration from personal mentor Anders.

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What mental illusion is blocking your success?

First we need a little information...