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How Can I Make My Goal A Reality Without Guilt And Fear?


I fear that I won’t be able to make my goal a reality, and I’m concerned about my ability to pay my rent and bills because I’ve chosen to follow my dream. My question is, how can I deal with feelings of guilt and fear towards my family and myself when, I at the same time, truly want to achieve my goal?

Don't let goal setting become heavy weights. Remain flexible and allow room for intuitive changes.


The truth is, you can achieve your goal; you just don’t know how. There’s a big difference. Most people think they can’t because they don’t know how. The truth is you can. You just don’t know how yet. And the fact that you have a dream and a goal is a wonderful thing. Your family should never be something that you feel you have to choose between the family or the goal. You can have both. The universe never restricts us by having us ask ‘either or.’ The universe will say ‘both and.’ So the truth is you can have both, and there is a way to do it. You’re just not aware of that way. Yet.

If you have a family and people depend on you, I would recommend that you put a plan together and create, borrow, or earn six months’ worth of expenses before you go all in on it. So it’s a transition. And in that period of time, you need to significantly downscale your expenses. A lot of the things we think are essential really are not. They’re not essential; they’re nice to have. They’re not need to have.

And when you cut off all the nice-to-haves, you will also find how it creates mental focus and discipline because you have your goal, and your goal is truly important. So cut off all the nice-to-haves. Make a plan for borrowing, creating, earning six months’ worth of living expenses on the need-to-have list. Once you have that accumulated, now you can go all in on your dream with a peace of mind that you probably wouldn’t have before, not feeling that you have to choose between the family or your goal.

I wish you the very best on your journey, and I see nothing but success for you.

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