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Ask Anders

How can I convert negative thinking into a positive mindset?


Hello Anders! I wish my thinking was more positive, so my question is; How do you let go of negative thought patterns?

Every negative thought is a down payment on your failure. Every positive thought is an investment on your future.


That’s a great question, and thank you for asking it here. I really appreciate your inquiry. Many people face the same challenge.

When you express a desire for more positive thinking, you’re also acknowledging to your subconscious mind that it isn’t currently positive. Our subconscious mind is the level we need to work on, and it operates with absolute precision. It manifests in your feelings and actions, precisely following the laws of the universe.

So, the key is to learn how to give your subconscious mind the right instructions. How do we do that? We begin by accepting the idea that you are already perfect. You are a perfect expression of spirit, and spirit itself is perfect. There’s no need for any modifications. Your essence is perfect, and it empowers you to choose your thoughts.

You don’t achieve this by attempting to eliminate negative thought patterns. Instead, you utilize the spiritual aspect of yourself to select the patterns you’d like to adopt. Your current task involves four steps:

  1. Recognize the negative thought pattern. It could be self-criticism or self-doubt.
  2. Craft a positive statement that’s the polar opposite of the negative thought pattern.
  3. Form an affirmation based on this new positive statement. Repeat it to yourself. For instance, “I’m so happy and grateful now that I am perfectly capable. I am perfection in human form. I am worthy. I am successful.”
  4. Record this affirmation and listen to it repeatedly on a voice loop. This way, you’ll overwrite the negative thought patterns with positive ones. This process allows you to tap into the innate perfection within you, which aligns with the universal will, or if you prefer, the will of a higher power. It’s always seeking expression, perfect expression, growth, and expansion within and through you, never negativity or disintegration.

The more you work with this process, the more you will align with the divine current of life, a beautiful state indeed. Enjoy the journey; don’t force it. Be kind to yourself, and celebrate the progress you’re making because you’re making significant strides. The mere fact that you’re asking this question is magnificent. I wish you all the best.

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One Response

  1. I love this Anders.
    It’s funny how we think we’re past this point and then when we’re stepping into new areas of growth we can find ourselves falling back into old patterns of procrastination.
    As I yet again stretch myself and step into new growth and new uncharted territory and circumstance’s. I found myself confused about my resistance to act. This was something I wanted- so then I’m wondering why am I suddenly hit with distractions and lack of energy…..
    Bingo!!! 😂
    Honestly Anders.
    It’s like we’re in sync.
    I am so grateful to receive this message today, because it came at the perfect time for me.
    But of course it did….🥰
    There are no accidents right. Love, light and gratitude always Helen.🙏🏻

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